Follow the instructions below to generate your google credentials :

Setting up a project in Google Cloud Console

Create a new project in Google Cloud Console

Switch to the new project you just created.

For a completely new project you will need to setup the consent screen before setting the credentials.

First step after creating the project is to setup the OAuth Consent Screen. For this navigate to the OAuth Consent Screen in the Sidebar of your Google Cloud Console :

Under OAuth Consent screen select Internal :

Click on Create

Under the App Information Section, fill out the details :

  • Provide a Name for the app (For ex: Xyne)
  • Provide a User Support email (For ex:
  • Upload an App Logo (if needed)
  • Put your domain under Authorized domain (You can choose to go ahead with your localhost or AWS IP Address)
  • Add Developer contact information (For ex:

Click Save and Continue

Under the Scopes section you’ll see the Add or Remove Scopes button. Click on that:

For now in the scope section only add /auth/,/auth/userinfo.profile and openid, leave out the rest of it.

Leave the next page ,i.e. Test users blank. This concludes the setting-up of your OAuth Consent Screen

Setting up the OAuth Credentials

Now, under APIs and Services section in the menu on the sidebar, click on Credentials,

  • Navigate to the Credentials Section in the sidebar, and click on +CREATE CREDENTIALS .

  • Under that select the OAuth client ID option.

  • Add the type as Web Application, and give it a name (For ex: Xyne)
  • Add Authorized JavaScript origins as:

    • http://localhost:3001 for local or replace with http://<YOUR_AWS_EC2_IPv4_DNS> for production.
  • Add Authorized redirect URIs as:

    • http://localhost:3001/v1/auth/callback for local setup or https://<YOUR_AWS_EC2_IPv4_DNS>/v1/auth/callback for production.
    • http://localhost:3001/oauth/callback for local setup or https://<YOUR_AWS_EC2_IPv4_DNS>/oauth/callback for production.
Use http://localhost:3000/v1/auth/callback and http://localhost:3000/oauth/callback when using dev-mode.

Click CREATE and make sure to save the Client ID and Client Secret for putting it in the .env of the application

With this you will now be able to successfully login to Xyne with your google account.