Option 1 : Asking Xyne to add the feature you’re looking for :

You can reach out to us on our slack community in the #contribute channel, where we’ll help you out with adding support for the feature you’re looking for.

Option 2 : Fork the repository and run the project in development mode :

You can also feel free to make a contribution to the project yourself. Follow the steps below to get started :

Step 1: Forking and setting up the repository.

  • The first step is to fork the repository.

  • Following that you need to run the project in development mode, follow the instruction below :

Run Xyne app

Run the Xyne app locally in development mode

Step 2 : Make your share of contribution to the project.

You can make a contribution to the project in two ways :

Contributing to an open issue on Github :

You can pick up any issue out of the list of open issues on Xyne’s Github and contribute to that.

Contributing to Xyne independently :

If you have found an issue which is not in the list of open issues on Xyne’s Github, you can create a new issue. And then contribute to that.

Step 3 : Create a PR for the contribution.

Once you’ve made the code changes, you can create a new PR for the contribution. Follow the sample closed PR to see the template for the new PR.

Step 4 : Wait for the PR to get approved :

At this point your part of the contribution has been done. Wait for the PR to get approved by the authors of Xyne.